Sunday, May 30, 2004

sundae nite.

its ten min to midnight.. and so the icing on the cake has finally vanished and all that is left is jus the empty platter decorated sparsely with crumbs. the weekend came and left.. and come monday morning.. i'll be awaken by the sounds of my phone alarm... and the consistent callin of my mother as she tryingly wakes me from the deepest of slummer.. she with her sleep filled mubbles.. invokin a certain desire in me to wash up.. dress up.. make up.. and catch the train ... Oh the heavens lend a hand!!

hmmm.. perhaps its that i'm born in the year of the pig.. it seems as though i've borrowed loads of characteristics.. be it the laziness of the pig.. the desire to wallow in dirt.. as in the refusal to tidy up and live in a decently organised environment.. oh well.. sue me.. but i'm happy. i least figure life is tedious enough without one adding to all the stress by enforcing neatiness guidelines on the proposed lifestyle of living. HA!

anyhow.. my apparent laziness has taken an unexpected standstill.. least for the next 3 mths.. I've embarked on a short journey to the real white collar working work.. leaving small but intended bold footprints behind, lending my unstained hands to the blast of a world out there. .. i'll like to emphaize how I am paving my way up the ladder of life.. and despite my low comtributions at the present moment.. i await the days i will reminise of the good old days.. remembering days in tight uncomfortable nylon pants and edgy heels... the cautious glance around as i affirm my youthful and sometimes child-like mannerisms with my surrounding presently aging company. The extend to which i consistently sprout words to prove my self-worth and growing aspirations..

*sigh* the day in the life of a intern..