Friday, April 30, 2004


Its been awhile.. but now.. i know for sure.. i'm scared. time seems to be slipping past my fingers.. and i try all but in cease procastination. Ideally, a word that that describes me and my various actions whenever it comes to the crunch.

i'm at the crunch..

i'm at the crossroads of passing and failure... and honestly.. its gona take a bandwagon full of seladangs to whisk me off in the right direction... the only thing that comes to mind is whether i can loan/borrow a few from night safari.. and honestly. the chances of that happening is gona be far brighter than me sitting myself down and attempting to junk a trunkload full of data comm into my head..

ahh! .. exams.

how i yearn for carefree days.

You know.. my carefree days are in a weeks' time.. and i dun even know if i can hold out till then.. the feeling of so far yet so near. and ideally, if i do not exhaust my being now.. when the evening 0f the 8th of may comes... i will not be able to smile and sink myself into a river of sinful delights..

so push comes to shove.. i pick up my straddling strength.. pull up those socks.. grit my teeth.. and pray the winds wont knock me over.