Wednesday, August 18, 2004

what's on in my life..

new developments within the 4 walls of the microscopic world my mental capacity resides in.. and it's not as though its eventful or remotely exciting. Not that it is mind boggling or world enhancing.. I guess.. to sum it up.. it's just me.

the attachment has made its dramatic exit from reality and entrance to my memory box. I had actually expected myself to cry buckets on the last day.. but somehow that just was not the case. I serious have not exact idea why so.. but I could try to offer a few possible reasons as to why.

1) I began to clear out my locker a week and a half in advance to the actual day. My locker of course symbolized how comfortable and well acquainted I was with the work environment. I had Eyore around, my thinkpad that provided me endless hours of work and entertainment, my brain food.. which was in fact biscuits, biscuits and more biscuits.. and believe me i had all sort of flavours.. banana.. lemon.. peanut butter.. chocolate & wheat.. butter cookies... yeh thats right.. I had them all.. and of course .. my mug.. that helped me improve my health and the water level i had in my body consistently. I guess when you have you ass parked in a air-conditioned room all day long.. with you fingers doing the catwalk on the keypad.. somehow or other.. you find yourself reaching out for that mug of water whenever it seems like you need a break. thats also probably why i was a frequent visitor of the toilet... well back to my main point. I cleaned my 'life' out of the office.. and so in turn.. allowed myself time and energies to recover from alienating myself from a routine i had grown accustomed to.. so very accustomed to.

2) well.. A & C weren't in the office.. they were on leave so well.. the two individuals that steered my learning curve, were not around to see me graduate and I guess that was quite a bummer.. *note to myself: I still owe them their little gifts and BIGG thank you notes.. sigh.. they were really amazing.. I could not have asked for more* well... on second thought.. this point aint too accurate because two individuals who enhanced my stay termenously.. for i would not have had great fond memories to look back on. if not for them two.. were right by my side on the last day. We had a makan fest that friday so basically it was food food food.. in the midst of all last minute email replies and forwards. It was great stuff.. Ray.. and Camy.. really lurve you two.

3) I was tired.. recieved minimal dose of sleep the night before.. and I was just about mentally flooding around the place.

4) Makan Fest.. and so everybody who was anybody was running around the whole place, tiding their stalls.. selling their ware or just not at their desk. No one was in the background debating with fuming customers.. explaining as to why the thinkpads did not arrive as they desired them to nor did i notice the regular buzz within the 3rd floor office. All in all, things in the office was just not like its usual self and so.. I was just not deeply attached to its quiet and inate state.

Anyhow, with the attachment over and done with.. I find myself back in the mild mundane grey boring space i found myself in 3.5 months ago... yup. I'm back in school. Back in with the same crowb.. though i must add i miss my school friends terribly.. great stuff i get to see them again.. back to the same cold room.. odd rules and regulations and back to the long 40 min bus ride to and fro school. *damn*

well.. the only thing great about being back in school would be the fact that I can work freely again! A big Hooray to more money.. more time with the rhino *darlin' i miss you!!* and more bitching, laughing and suppers with my darlin's at work... i realli miss working.. and now that Pat is working too.. heheh.. its like double .. no no.. triple the fun!! hehehe... soon i know.. babe.. i can ride you home!! hehehe.. thenz we can go find mum mum.. and talk into the nite.. and maybe go down to wen's or jo's place.. and start knocking on their doors in the wee hours of the morn!! hehehe.. its gona be fun.

Great stuff..

yup... thats right.. I want my own darlin'.. i promise i will love you so much.. if i could i'll bring you in and hugg you to sleep. I'll never make you do too much for me.. nor will i ignore you. You will be mine.. and mine only..

I dream of you.. my Kawasaki..